The General English course is designed to prepare students for conversation, everyday situations and daily interactions that take place when travelling or living in an English speaking country.
Students learn and practice the four macro-skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking in an interactive environment. Levels of difficulty increase over the duration of the course to assist students to develop their skills and to be more confident and fluent in English.
The course is structured into six levels (Starter, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced). Each of the levels has a duration of 10 weeks (the study period) and the course study period in total is 60 weeks and plus breaks time.

The Course Facts

Duration 70 weeks including breaks (10 weeks)
Delivery mode 20hrs face-to-face per week
Location Metro Institute, Level 4, 770 George St Haymarket NSW2000

Course Structure

This General English course is structured into 6 levels which is shown as below.